Friday, December 28, 2012

Oreo Truffles

I have survived Christmas and emerged unscathed, though maybe a couple pounds heavier (sad face), and I must say, these Oreo Truffles are part of the reason why. They were super easy to make, only about 20-30 minutes total, and that includes the ten minutes you have to chill them.

Oreo Truffles
1 package Oreos
1 package cream cheese, softened
16oz white chocolate chips (I used about a bag and a half)

  1. Take all but three of the Oreos and crush them, filling and all. You can either use a food processor, or the good old-fashioned ziploc bag and rolling pin technique. You're going for a fairly fine, uniform texture.
  2. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the crushed Oreos and the cream cheese, blending well. It's going to wind up looking something like cookie tar.
  3. Using your hands, roll the Oreo mix into small balls, about an inch or so in size. Place them on a cookie sheet, and then put the whole mess in the freezer for about ten minutes to firm up.
  4. Meanwhile, take the remaining three Oreos and scrape out the majority of the cream (a little bit left is OK, but you want to get almost all of it out). Crush the cookies into a fine powder with the back of a fork (or in a ziploc bag or food processor again) and set aside.
  5. Melt the white chocolate chips according to the instructions on the bag.
  6. Remove the balls from the freezer, and one at a time, drop them into the melted with chocolate, covering the whole ball, and remove with a spoon. Allow excess chocolate to drip off, and then put the truffle back on the cookie sheet. While the chocolate is still soft, sprinkle a pinch of the Oreo powder on the top of each truffle. The chocolate will harden up at room temperature, so you'll want to dust them as you go. Don't try to wait until the end, or else you'll have to drizzle extra chocolate on top.
  7. Give them just a couple minutes to set, and then you can put them into a storage container or on a plate for serving. Enjoy!

These are great to take to a party, and they go quickly. You can also make them with milk or dark chocolate, or peppermint bark, but I prefer the white chocolate because it gives it that cookies n' cream flavor. I think they'd be fun to make with your kid as well, though Mikayla is a little young.

Let me know what you think!


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